If you are Virgo rising, you have a lot of 12th house transits going on with Mercury and Sun in Leo and then Venus will go into Leo on Sept 15th. 12th house transits are challenging.

Astrologers tend to superficially lump 12th house challenges into losses and expenditures and foreign places but it is much richer.   The 12th house is deeply valued in the Vedic tradition because it brings in the deep subconscious realm and the rich spiritual realm of the void that leads to enlightenment if we can grasp its ineffable mysteries. Great things can happen if we are willing to unlock its mysteries.   Some of the additional 12th house significations include:

Loss on the material level leads to merging with the infinite for Moksha.

Loss of individual identity to gain freedom.

House of clairvoyance, intuition, dreams.

Sleep and dreams—subtle mind is active.

Powers developed from isolation and meditation

Blind spots and hidden enemies

Blocks to Moksha

Deep subconscious churnings.

The 12th house represents this deep subconscious void of very deep karmic patterns that are so ineffable that they can bring up deep emotional and psychological crisis-es and ineffable fears when experienced.  It represents a realm of all of the deep dangers  of the mind that are invisible, whether caused by karma, hidden enemies, or the perverted logic of your own subconscious.  According to Ptolemy, the 12th corresponded to that part of the sky, just above the horizon, where stars were obscured by the “thick, misty exhalations from the moistures of earth.” According to the Egyptians, stars here were lost in, and debilitated by, the sun’s light at sunrise.  Hence it  is a vast hidden realm that is frightening and it represents our blind spots to our weaknesses and this will require a whole article sometime.

Dashas and transits to the 12th house often bring up mental crisis, emotional churnings, desires to retreat into meditation and ashrams or if the 12th house or its owner if very afflicted or poorly placed, can lead to mental confinement and imprisonment to that we can deal with this crisis.  If we can solve the mysteries of the 12th house and our deepest karma than deep healing can occur, unlocked talents can be released and if you have a spiritual Guru, then enlightenment may dawn. But for most of our lifetimes, the 12th house will bring deep suffering and this unconscious dread beneath the surface and we tend to deal with by checking out. If we are on a spiritual path, we may turn to meditation, spiritual retreats and this is the deepest way to transform but for the mass population, we check out with addictive patterns, sexual play or abusive substances.

The 12th house is the house of sacrifice and service so the key is that when we help others, we move through our own self-absorption and personal problems and get a chance to transcend ego and solve the mysteries of the 12th house.   Giving to charity is also a way of quickly dealing with problem when you are busy.  Take a meditation or yoga retreat or do some deep psychological work and crack the mysteries of the subconscious.  In all cases, the 12th house beckons us to transform and to move beyond.

12th house experiences often create situations that seem beyond our power and it forces us to call to Higher power and if we are willing to surrender our ego, then the Divine will answer. In that moment of powerlessness  and if we can get to a place of “thy will be done,” we have a chance for a moment of grace.

So when we experience deep 12th house patterns, do we move toward distractions like our cell phones, the TV, the refrigerator or do we answer the call and do our work and move beyond our small self and help others? Do we explore our deepest fears and unconscious patterns that are keeping us very small.  The challenge is up to you. It is frightening and it is exhilarating but we must answer the call or plunge into despair or deep suffering.

If you need help with your 12th house cycles or transits, consider reading or work with our other  programs.  Visit our website at :

My work with subconcious patterns and astrology can help bring these deep patterns to the surface so they can be healed.

Some of this material was developed from our spring class which I have retitled: The Psyhological, Emotional and Spiritual Basis of Vedic Astrology:  The  Schools of Karma class which is available by videotapes and includes copious notes in Power Point presentations.   If you are interested, see our website.

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