EYE ON THE SKY: Mars in Transition
There are good things happening this weekend for Venus ruled signs like Libra and Taurus with Venus moving into Pisces and Saturn ruled signs like Aquarius and Capricorn will get a nice break with Saturn moving into a new constellation on Saturday. Even Mercury does ok being so close to an exalted Venus much of March that Geminis and Virgos will be happy. Mars ruled signs have the start of a new journey toward conjunct with Saturn into April 2nd.
The end of Scorpio, 27-30 degrees is called the stinger tale and is in the gandanta which literally means drowning. Mars will transit this area in Scorpio March 1-7th and this could bring out deep karmic patterns if you are ruled by Mars ie Scorpio rising or Aries rising. It can be an intense time for transformation.
The end of Scorpio is about letting go of material and getting read for spiritual transformation in the constellation of Mula. It can be an intense psychological and emotional time. The last degree, 29.12-29.59 is the most difficult part of the journey and it happens March 6-7th. Here there are deep knots that need to be unraveled for spiritual growth to occur. This can be a place where maximum emotional churning can happen so watch Tuesday, March 6th and Wednesday, March 7th. Stay on top of meditation and yoga here or you might feel very fragile.  There can be a sense of not being supported and this may be connected to siblings as Mars is the significator or karaka for sibling and particularly brothers.
Use this transit to work on deep transformational issues.
Mars moves into Sagittarius on March 8th and is in the Sag. gandanta until March 12th. It is stronger here in the Aries pada (0-3.20 Sagittarius) . Mars has the courage here to to through spiritual pain and do the deep spiritual transformation here.
The constellation of Mula is deeply karmic and can bring about deep suffering if those ruled by Mars are unable to break away from the material bonds and move toward spiritual awakening. Hence the first few weeks of March for Aries and Scorpio require great transformation. Time to take a retreat and do a meditation course or suffer deep emotional pangs and psychological grunge.
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