Waiting for Godot and Astrology

Samuel Beckett’s seminal play, Waiting for Godot, involving two hobo-like characters waiting for the arrival of Godot is an embodiment of living in the hope of the future rather than embracing the present. The existential void is a hallmark in world literature and a reminder of our plight in the world.
The planets are schools and teachers as their transits set up karmic circumstances so that we can do it better this time just like Bill Murray in the 1993 movie, Groundhog Day. Will he learn kindness and compassion this time or continue to wake-up the same grumpy old weatherman who treats people terribly? Are we going to make new and better choices this time or repeat the same patterns and suffer? I often get people waiting for their next big cycle to start. It will be better when my Jupiter period comes and when I leave Rahu. If I can just get out of my Ketu period, then my life will get better. Many times, this is years down the road, and the new cycle may not bring all that it hoped for.

There are rare charts and periods where everything is working on all cylinders. Life is rather mixed. Relationships may work in one period, but health and work are challenged. Life is so often a complicated mix, and this is evident in the Varga or divisional chart where a Jupiter period may shine with a strong placement in the D-10 or career chart, but relationships may not work.
The malefic planets that cause us suffering are ultimately wonderful high school coaches inflicting short-term pain to move us on to becoming a greater person. The challenge is whether we are willing to embrace our challenges and change our lives and make difficult decisions or do we act like Didi and Gogo in the Beckett play and keep waiting for the arrival of Godot that will somehow magically save our lives.

The malefic planets are our friends if we embrace their lessons and that takes the courage of a strong Mars and a desire to fight and move out of our suffering with a little grace and help from Venus and Jupiter that is always welcome. When they are not around, we still have to find the energy, clarity, and courage to move out of our problems. God is there to help if we are willing to take the first step and change our lives.

More importantly, we cannot live our lives waiting for something to get better in the future. We have to make changes in the present and be a better person, do the right thing, and not make the same mistakes. The transits will repeat every year or so to test us and see if we have risen to the occasion to make new choices and create a better life.
Yes, it’s nice to have beneficial transits, but the malefics are also our friends because they force us to learn difficult lessons.

Everyone fears Saturn because he teaches responsibility, discipline, hard work, endurance, and stability amid suffering. Of course, we would rather party all the time and seek pleasure with Venus, but if you go on vacation and meet people who are wealthy and drink all day on the beach, but if you really get to know them, their lives are often rather empty.
When you meet people who have gone through a lot of Saturn events, they have great depth and there is something alive, fresh, real, and authentic about them. Suffering builds character and makes us the great people that we are.

So, embrace your Sade Sati, your Saturn period, your Rahu/Ketu, and your Mars and realize they are your good friends. They are the tough coaches at school that mold you into a successful athlete that will pay dividends down the road.

Live in the present moment and enjoy the planetary gifts that are there. There are always gifts and sometimes we have to dig deep to see that, but the gifts are there. Enjoy and see the game in this wonderful world and loosen the grip of suffering from yoga and meditation and good deeds and Godot may finally arrive even in your Saturn period.

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Om Tat Sat.


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