Sun went into  Libra on Oct 17th where it is technically debilitated on Oct. 27th at 10 degrees.  This year because Venus is in Leo, the Sun’s sign until Nov. 3rd, the debilitation is technically canceled which means that there is support to get through the problems that a debilitated Sun would create which means that working together with others and getting support around health around confidence issues will be there.

The Sun in Libra can be a cruel planet seeing status and being politically ambitious in contrast with the Sun in Aries where humanitarian work and personal ambition are used to benefit the world often.

Sun in Libra loses its confidence and power but when unafflicted as we are getting, it can be excellent at teamwork and doing it together.  The Diamondbacks are a Libra Rising Team and I suspect that the four planets in Libra and the Paravartana Yoga with Venus in their 11th house in Leo helped them win the National League pennant last night against all odds.

Teamwork does create a loss of individual strengths in the crowd and learning to sacrifice personal gain and status for the good of the group.

 The Sun is moving toward the lowest point of the year of the Sun toward October 27th at 10 degrees Libra. The Sun governs health, leadership confidence, and self-esteem for everyone, so this transit can bring about health issues, depression, poor decisions in government, and low self-esteem. The worst part of the transit is usually when the Sun is in the constellation of Swati, which is between October 23 – November 6th.

The Sun in Libra transit is particularly difficult for Scorpio rising and Pisces rising as it is a 12th and 8th house transit for them. Taurus rising may have trouble with it as a 6th house transit and Leo risings will particularly feel it. It may bring up poor motivation, poor financial management, headaches, and addictions.

The positive side of this transit is that it may create some people who offer good sense, support, and charm and may bring out the ability to work with others better. Libra rising and Aries rising may experience this a bit more. Gemini rising and Virgos may do okay with this transit. Bottom-line is that if the dark side comes up, find ways to do good self-talk and find the fire to move on and do great things if you feel stuck. For everyone, take care of your health this month, which means watch your diet and addictions and stay on top of your immune system.

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