Mercury Direct in Pisces–April 25th– All Ships Full Steam Ahead


Mercury goes direct on April 25th at 7:51 pm EDT which is usually a huge relief but it is doing so in Pisces and is conjunct Rahu. Venus has been canceling the debilitation in transit for the last 3 weeks but that bonus ends as Venus moves into Aries today on April 24th. Computer and communication problems may be more apparent until May 10th when Mercury moves out of Pisces.

At least the direct motion is happening in the constellation of Revati ( Pisces 16.40-29.59) which is much better than in Saturn’s constellation of Uttarabhadrapada where Mercury is debilitated at 15 degrees. Click below for the full article.

The cobra pose and the plank pose can stimulate Mercury but for those who know brain gym exercises, it is a good chance to practice them to get the mind working clearly and sharply so it does not seem stuck in molasses.    Mercury has been spending is spending a huge amount of time in Pisces this transit  Rahu  is conjunct  Mercury at about 21 degrees  and this is having an impact and you have to watch out for shady deals that are too good to be true or computer viruses or computer scams. We also get a 30 degree aspect from Saturn into Monday, April 29th and I find these exact aspects, even if they are not traditional Vedic aspects can have an impact.  Mercury does not get past Rahu within 3 degrees until May 3rd. 

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