The Jewish festival of lights, Hanukkah  began Dec. 13th and lasts for 8 days and our Hanukkah  zebra is there to remind us the the miracles of the Divine and the light that would not go out and should never go out in our soul no matter how difficult our challenges.  Continue to carry the light with you wherever you go!

Are you tired?  By the winter equinox  on Thursday which is also a difficult point of the Sun/Saturn conjunction, you are going to have to slow down to avoid getting sick.   Time for extra meditation, that hot bath and boosting your immune system.  All  that extra sugar from eating extra cookies is hard on the system.  Use yoga and meditation for extra energy.  The  frog pose will support Mars and to boost the adrenals to get through any extra fatigue and just take time and let go. Still 16 days to the New Year.

The days around the winter equinox Dec. 20-22nd are a re-balancing of planetary energies and while you might feel an extra boost of energy, it will be crazy energy and if you try to do too much during that time you might wear down your system and be vulnerable so take plenty of time to rest.


As we approach the  winter equinox into Dec. 21st, the Sun is at its lowest point of the year with the most darkness for those on the northern hemisphere and this adds to getting run down, taxing the immune system,  lack of ambition and more cold.  Saturn’s weakness from the combustion until Jan. 7th  will tax the immune system so take your immune boosting supplements like Colostrum or Echinechia to stay well.  Eat warm foods and spicy unctuous foods and take hot baths to calm the start of the winter and slow down. Ayurveda oil massages are a nice treat and can be done by yourself and they also help calm things.

As Saturn is afflicted (and even in the tropical system moving into tropical Capricorn on Dec. 19th and being in limbo at the end of a sign), you will have to stay rested and take care of Saturn and our body as it governs our infrastructure and immune system and spleen. Long yoga sessions are helpful to quiet and tone the body rather than intense aerobic workouts.  Of course our readers in the southern hemisphere need a different regime as they approach summer into the winter solstice.  Take care of yourself.  Saturdays particularly, ruled by Saturn, as they will be more difficult  as Saturn is afflicted by the  Sun until the Jan. 7th.

Venus goes into Sagittarius on Dec. 20th and that will add more expansive energy and holiday spirit to the mix but it has been very close to the Sun and will continue to be combust until Feb. 19th and I suspect when they are in the same constellation of Mula (Sagittarius 0-13.20) starting on Wednesday, that energy may be felt more. Too close to the Sun, it can stir up manipulation, friction in love, controlling energy around relationships and difficulties in the reproductive system for men and women as Venus rules sperm production (Shukra means semen),   The bright spot of Venus moving toward the Sun is that Venus is spiritualized by the energy but Taurus and Libra rising will be impacted and may be more tired, jealous and will have to slow things down.

Venus moves into conjunction with Saturn on Christmas day.  While they are friends, Libra and Taurus rising may feel more sadness, regret or depression if Christmas is not going very well.  Relationships can be strained and we may feel guilty about our wealth and abundance when we look at the challenges of poverty in the world.  Use the energy to give generously  at Christmas and particularly support older women and your mothers if they are around who may be challenged by the holidays.

  The constellation of Moola  (Sagittarious 0-13.20) can bring up regret for the past which is always difficult because we cannot change the past but we can change our patterns and not make the same mistakes. So  all the energy with Moola going into the New Year will foster deep New Years resolutions and may you be able to act upon them and change your live.  Regret is the keyword for Moola is connected to the goddess Nirriti who likes to move us toward spirituality if we have and sometimes can be rough on material aspirations.  Transits through Moola which we will see with Venus in Moola Dec. 20-Dec. 30th and the Sun there Dec. 16-29, beckon us toward meditation and our spiritual path so good time for a Christmas meditation retreat (I am doing one).

Mercury is still retrograde until 8:51 pm on Friday, Dec. 22nd so make sure to keep those communications redundant and do not count on Fed-Ex or UPS to get those packages to you on time so you will have to brave the elements and get it yourself at the mall.    Allow lots of extra time to get to the airport and get to Grandmother’s house.  Be alert and vigilant of other drivers on the road.    The Warrior pose stimulates the 3rd eye and increases alertness and supports Mars. Save your blood pressure, get your meditation in, stay on top of planning.

Bottomline, take care of yourself and your needs early.   Find time to give to others to combat holiday depression caused by the coming of the winter solstice and shorter days of light.  Take more walks in the Sun when the weather is nice to give yourself extra light or buy a special winter light lamp to put on your desk to combat growing winter depression and the on-set of the winter solstice.



Take our new mini  class starting Jan 13th  on relationships with 6 classes on Saturday afternoons over Go to Meeting when it will be too cold to to outside anyways. .  Still a few spaces left.

Early bird discount still 175.00 until Dec. 20th.


Also consider an progressed chart for the New Year now on sale for 175.00 into Christmas.

We are plenty busy but will fit you in.  I write these columns because they pour out of me lately and hope you enjoy this wonderful knowledge. Have a great Christmas season!

Start the New Year with a great knowledge and our Vedic Almanac and 2018 Transit Planner:


We are completing our 2018 Vedic Forecast and Transit book and will   have it ready for the New Year. Order early:

Note: Peoples charts and transits are very individual and we write general articles that maybe useful to all our readers. In reality, Vedic astrology is very much like  reading very specific strands of DNA.

Wishing you a warm and joyous holiday.  Have a great week!

Barry Rosen

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