Day 9: Thursday, Sept. 27 US/Friday Sept. 28 India :   The Gift of Centeredness Amidst Change

Ma Siddhi Datri is the ninth goddess and a  embodiment of Goddess Saraswati.
Her name means the “giver of Boons/accomplishments.”   She blesses those who practice their yoga and mediation regularly due to discipline.   She reminds us that if we are regular in our spiritual practices, then nature will support us with the fulfillment of our desires.   She teaches that hard work and discipline and dedication are necessary to create enough clarity of mind in order to fulfill our desire

Ma Siddhi Datri is an embodiment of highest quality of Venus  and healthy relationships and her deep friendship with Saturn and the blessings of elders.  She bestows good health, intelligence and health.  She is a reminder if what we learned from Lakshmi, that wealth is not just physical cash, but good health, wonderful relationships and quest for the Divine.

While her name Siddhi reminds us of Patanjai and the perfections of walking on water or flying through the air, she actually teaches us to remain balanced and ground in the most difficult situations.  The value of meditation and yoga is that it centers us in our Self and so no matter what problems arise, we have the poise and invincible strength to deal with it. There will always be problems with the changing nature of the physical body and ups and downs with the material world but can we have the fortitude and centeredness like Ma Siddhi Datri to be 100% percent and secure amidst change.  This is a kind of grace and is one of the greatest gifts of Mother Divine.   Be kind to yourself, keep the Divine spark warm for growth toward something higher and be patient that it happens one small step at a time.

Today’s call to action is to be regular with your spiritual practice so that you can have the strength and courage like all the goddesses riding tigers to conquer your deepest fears and move forward through the darkness into the light and rebirth.

Ultimately the true gift of this holiday is remember our spiritual practice and the extra fears and churnings that come up during the holiday force us remember that we have the power to overcome all.

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