Venus in Constellation of Andromeda: Feb. 1-20th : IDEALIZED LOVE AND PASSION


Venus went into the constellation of Uttarabhadrapada  on Feb. 1st which comprises two bright stars in Pegasus and Andromeda.  Venus is exalted here and connected to hits good friend Saturn but is channel Saturn’s scattered and unfocused energy still.   It is also moving within 5 degrees of Mars into Feb. 18th and so this transit is not fully ripened but a bit afflicted. Still it fosters good relationships, generosity, and a desire for spiritual relationships that demand purity or artistic connections.   The idealized love of Venus can work well in this constellation if you seek to find the Divine in your partner.

Still the Mars affliction can create squabbles and imbalanced passions at times so find a way to channel the 2nd chakra energy into creative expression rather than sexual passion.  Avoid being too critical of your partner to avoid unnecessary fights. Saturn’s energy from the start wants perfection but given the current transits, it is too much to ask. Accept and let go and love them for who they are.   Avoid self-centered financial focuses and remember to give 10% of your earnings to your favorite charity to purify money earned.  Avoid being self-centered now and work toward a higher good.

Taurus rising continues to benefit most from this transit in Pisces and only Libras, Virgos and Gemini rising or moons have  the ost problems with this transit.

The constellation of Uttarbhadrapada which   means “lucky feet and is connected to the funeral cot which denotes the exit from world and becomes connected with the wisdom of the 12th sign of the zodiac and its connection to Moksha or liberation but also to sleep.  The deity of this constellation is Ahir Bhudhanya, which translates to the “serpent of the depths” and is a fertility diety but also a kind of monster from the sea much like Neptune and is connected to the underworld.  Connected to Shiv, it destroys ignorance to prepare us to dissolve.

The energy of this constellation is that of the wise old man and it is connected to the planet Saturn and it never acts hastily but with Saturn weak in transit, we wonder if its more anxious nature will come out and create more anxiety and indecision with Mars in transit through there for 17 days.  Still it carries the influence of Jupiter and has a calming and serene and compassionate nature will soothe Venus.

The constellation is connected to responsibility but will it have trouble since Saturn is having trouble in transit.  Still this constellation is usually fortunate for making and handling money-which is not always something that we connect with Pisces.  On an esoteric level, it is connected to the crown chakra and represents the end of the journey of the kundalini energy moving toward liberation so one would think that it will promote meditation and calm Mars’ restless fire.

Om Tat Sat.

We have reorganized our teaching schedule and now have 4 weeks on transits and aspects through Feb. 4th and you can purchase on video and join the last class live on Feb. 4th.  See:    

Anyone with a basic knowledge of Vedic astrology can benefit. Tapes will be available for purchase afterwards also.

We have a new class starting Feb 12 which is Module 2 on Secrets of Timing Your Life on Dahas and have expanded that class to 5 lessons and you do not have to take the first course to register.  See information at :   That course fee is 125.00.


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