I learn a lot from my Western astrological friends. While combustion is one of the most damaging things for a planet in Vedic astrology, it turns out total combustion within the last degree is a blessing. Venus was exactly conjuct the Sun on Friday morning.
The exact conjunction of the Sun with Venus on Oct. 26th can be a really good thing and is called cazimi and comes from medieval astrology and it used to refer to planets that are so close to a conjunction with the Sun that they are “in the heart” of the Sun. They actually become energized by the Sun and their most positive qualities come out. This will be a positive today and while Western astrologers suggest a conjunction of 17 or 40 minutes even 1 degree may qualify from my observation.
An example of cazimi is Oprah Winfrey who has a cazimi Venus in her natal chart; it has made her an incredible star to women and brought out her acting and relationship abilities with the public to a pinnacle.
Venus Cazimi should be a great day for creativity, artistic development and love. It may increase socializing , luxuriating, going out for fun and amusement. If you are a woman, it may create incredible magnetism and make you Queen for a day and you will attract men more easily. Good day to hit the drawing board if you are an artist. This fulcrum point will last just a day and then the problem issues with Venus combust soon but as we pointed out last week, Venus combustion is not as much a problem this year as it is retrograde, in Libra and had been conjunct Mercury the past week lifting it out of a difficult situation.
All gratitude to my Jyotish Gurus and my spiritual gurus for their continued light and guidance.
19.95 pdf download; soon on Amazon hard copy for 24.95.
What critics are saying: “Barry’ Poetic Tour de Force unveils lays of psychological wisdom that heals the troubled soul.–Jamie Bateman
The book is accessible for people who do not know much about astrology and is meant for a larger audience and only small parts of it are technical .
The deepest purpose of astrology should allow us to see the Maya or illusion that runs through our mind and blocks us from seeing our own Divinity. Astrology should reveal our hidden patterns and not just affirm what we know about our self already. It is our hidden patterns and blind spots which get us into the most trouble and cause us the most suffering. It takes courage to look at them, bring them into the light and transforms them but that is why we are on the planet. It is much like Bill Murray in Ground Hog Day (1993). How many times do we have to repeat our lives and relive our pain or do we realize our flaws and actively work on them and transform ourselves into a more conscious and active and loving and compassionate person. In this brilliant collection of essays divided into 7 sections, Psychological and Emotional and Spiritual Dimensions of Vedic Astrology, Secrets of the Houses, Blind Spots. Spiritual Astrology, Relationship and Techniques, Barry reveals material beyond the ordinary in unveiling our True Self beyond the illusion. The great spiritual teacher Yogananda was fond of saying that most of what we call the spiritual battle is really a psychological battle and once that battle is won, the spiritual battle is a short one. This book aims to support you in deep spiritual growth with profound psychological insight.
Barry’s spiritual and psychological approach to astrology seeks to cut the puppet strings of the planets that impact our emotions and psychology and bind us to self-blame, doubt and fear, and anger. This useful guide will help you navigate your life.
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