NEPTUNE STATIONARY RETROGRADE JUNE 25-DEC 2, 2021 and the Constellation of Pegasus and World Politics


Neptune turns retrograde on June 18th and stays there until Dec. 2nd.  Retrograde Neptune increases psychic energy. As Lynn Koiner notes: “Similar to the natal retrograde Neptune, the transiting retrograde causes sensitivity and receptivity to being much more acute. Due to this heightened receptivity, we are allowed to see far more than is possible when Neptune is direct. This is possibly a result of augmented intuitive or inner vision that bestows a different and more insightful perspective on matters.”

While the outer planets are not a traditional part of Vedic astrology, I find them important for understanding collective behavior and if they impact sensitive points in your chart within 2 degrees by transit or in your natal chart, they can have an impact. As Dennis Harness has discussed, Narendra  Desai saw an ancient Vasistha Nadi palm leaf in a museum in Madras, India, which predicted that three important grahas or planets would be discovered by the jyotishis of the Kali Yuga. The great seer Vasistha was the author of a number of hymns in the Rg Veda (dated 3000 BC) and was considered a great priest of the kings. According to the ancient palm leaf, the names of the grahas or planets would be Prajapati, Varuna, and Yama. The middle one, Varuna is known today as Neptune.

“Varuna is the lord of the cosmic waters and is associated with the mysterious laws of fate. He is a powerful, mystical healer and is the lord of Maya or illusion. Varuna is the bestow-er of spiritual wisdom and the god of cosmic medicines. In the early cycles of Creation, all the gods together approached Varuna and said to him: “May you accept the lordship of all waters on earth and protect us all. May you ever dwell in the ocean, refuge of the aquatic creatures. The great ocean, the husband to all the rivers and streams, would thus remain subservient to you. You would swell and shrink along with the Moon”.4 This sounds strikingly similar to the role and meaning of Neptune, god of the mystical seas, in modern tropical astrology.”

Planets that are stationary are very powerful and exert much more force a few weeks before and after around their station.  Neptune will have that impact the week of June 14-July 2nd. It is going stationary around 29 degrees Aquarius so if you have any key planets or your ascendant there or at 27-29 degrees Leo or 28-29  degrees Taurus or  28-29 degrees Scorpio, you may also feel a stronger impact. Usually, Neptune energy feels expansive and optimistic- until reality hits.

Neptune causes life to become confusing and unclear and people believe what is not true.  It is a planet of deception. It can have an eg0-denying influence which can make you feel discouraged, undeserving, and futile. Neptune is considered malefic as it dissolves what Saturn is trying to create in reality.  Hence it may lead to addictive behavior or spiritual by-pass rather than being responsible.  At its worse, it can create an addictive crash leaving you lost, confused, or defeated. At its best, it can expand your connection with the infinite and create spiritual art. Be careful with addictive habits for the next few weeks.  Fantasies may take you off the path of getting to your goal and rob you of your energy like the Sirens tempting Odysseus.  Good time for a spiritual or meditation retreat with this energy so high.

Whatever house Neptune is transiting in Aquarius now may impact that area of your life. So if you are Capricorn rising and thus Neptune is going through your 2nd house, you would be impacted by speculative gambling around money or be impacted by addictive food or drink habits.  We tend to see wildly speculative moves in the markets around Neptune station so watch Bitcoin, Oil, Real estate and metals probably have unusual moves and everyone will be speculating that these are going to the moon but that will be the end for a bit. You can stay in touch with our financial predictions by getting a trial with of our daily forecasts at

So observe your reaction to Neptune/Varuna the next few weeks Realize that all of this will pass.

Avoid bad habits and use this higher octave of Venus to create great art, write a poem or story or compose a spiritual piece of music. Avoid the spinning of the TV pundits who continue to create Neptunian fogs of “anonymous sources for their stories but never have any evidence to back it up.  



Neptune continues in the constellation of Purvabhadrapada (Aquarius 20-Pisces 3.20) until April 2024 and then only retrogrades back in for a few months in early 2024.  Neptune channels the energy of Jupiter in transit because Neptune’s nakshatra is owned by Jupiter and Jupiter is with Neptune in the same sign until mid-September. It tends to increase psychic and intuitive energies and spiritual idealism. Some of this false optimism could be the hopes that Biden and the Democrats will change the world into a socialist utopia is connected with this transit on. Neptune can deflate inflationary bubbles as fast as it inflates them.

With the positive connection to Jupiter through the nakshatra, it will promote idealism, universality, compassion, and spiritual by-pass where we shirk reality and use religion and spirituality to escape our personal problems. I suspect much of the liberal consciousness connected to socialism and the ideals of free college and the other socialist movements have been supported by this transit and those will continue until Saturn gets into Aquarius in April 2022 and starts bringing a reality check.

Neptune also rules socialism so despite Biden’s more conservative cabinet picks, the movement will not go away and it will contribute to political instability– as if we do not have enough of it. Communism and socialism have failed miserably in this century as we have seen in Venezuela and the fall of the Russian empire and even if China makes it work, it requires doling out intense totalitarian authority which seems to be modeled now in many countries like the UK as the lock-down their citizens with intense Draconian laws.

On the level of mundane astrology, Neptune is connected to schemes, inflation, conspiracies, and grand governmental plans so everything will get bigger in scope for growth ideals in this constellation. Climate change plans seem wonderful in theory but fall short in practice sometimes as we have seen with California wildfires being connected to the failure to upgrade the current grid system because money was poured into alternative energy generation. The idea was right and solar and wind power is wonderful but falls short in the practical implementation to generate enough power for California.  Texas had the same problem last winter when their wind turbines failed and caused massive electrical failures. This is the problem with Neptunian idealism.  The Green Bills are wonderful in theory and everyone wants us to be more energy sufficient and save the world from Global warning but at what cost? A compromise is always necessary.  The fervor and passion over electrical cars are wonderful but do we have enough earth elements to make enough batteries for long-term objectives? Many think that we do not.

The stock market bubble is still in progress as is the real estate bubble as more people work from home and this coming year gold and silver inflation and probably Bitcoin inflation will continue into the Neptune station. The Jupiter/Neptune conjunction supports this energy but with both going retrograde, we may get a pause soon until the winter and the ultimate surge of inflation this winter with the Jupiter/Neptune conjunction into April 2022.

This is a constellation that also supports drugs and Covid and the pharmaceutical stocks are likely to continue to prosper as well as the legalization of Cannabis. Last year’s passage in  Oregon around hard drugs is another example of Neptune at work.

Jupiter in Aquarius on until September 2021 and again  Nov. 20, 2021, to May 2022, and that will be stronger for humanistic thinking and practical solutions and will be strong and will increase more energy toward bringing more truth and reality into our world and increasing technological dependence.


The darker side of the constellation of Pegasus (Purvabhadra)  is secret societies and conspiracies and we have to be concerned that the Deep State will be emboldened with this transit to create more Neptunian fog. The censorship on Twitter and Facebook and Twitter and the gaslighting by the major media news stations mean that you have to look hard and deep for the truth if you suspect that it is not out there.

With Jupiter moving toward the Neptune conjunction in April  2022, will the truth finally come to reveal the depth of the Deep State and how the CIA and FBI, and secret agencies are running our world with the President often just a puppet? It will take Saturn going into this constellation into Dec. 2024 to finally bring the truth of how the world operates. Many have hopes that it will happen sooner, but we wonder. The Biden administration wants to restore things to usual with military interventionism, support to the military-industrial complex, and so business as usual, and their cabinet suggesting they want to restore the US to the glory days of Obama and support for the PLO.  Despite people’s Neptunian idealism and the desire for a Green New Deal, the reality of the problems in the US is much more complex and needs to move beyond idealism.

The symbols for this unique nakshatra of Pegasus (Aquarius 20-Pisces 3.20) are a sword, the first two legs of a funeral cot, and a two-faced man. The sword represents the ability to cut through negativity to get to the truth. The two-faced man indicates the ability to see both sides of an issue but also may be symbolic in Western psychology of our dark side or shadow. This nakshatra is ruled by the benefic Jupiter, which reflects the high idealism of this asterism but for a star ruled by Jupiter, it has an unusual dark quality to it. On the positive side, this constellation teaches to lead a life of personal sacrifice with no expectation of glory. On the dark side, it can bring out sexual obsessions and greedy power struggles. Will the Pedophilia scandals and child trafficking scandals have a chance to really get healed finally by March 2022 or do we have to wait for 2024 and Saturn coming through here?

The deity of this constellation obscure and is called Aja-Ekapada or the one-footed goat that is part of the entourage of Shiva and in Tarot it is connected to the devil card. It is troubling that secret societies like the Illuminati consider the goat god their main deity and this constellation is connected with black magic. On a symbolic level, this is a constellation where the fires of Shiva can destroy those aspects of a decaying society.

We have to watch out for more sexual scandals coming out over the next 2-3 years as this constellation brings out the darker side. I often like to think that this constellation embodies the light and dark sides of the Priest. Does he let go of his ego and serve God or does he get hit by his sexual appetites? If Jupiter is weak in transit, as it is will be September-November in Capricorn, the darker side comes out which is connected with negative human traits including paranoia, pessimism, debauchery, violence, cruelty, and erratic sexual behavior. It is by far the most intense constellation in the zodiac. If you were born with the Sun between the dates of March 5-17th or have the ascendant or moon here, the major lessons are learning humility and not getting caught in the ego. If you are born under this star, it is important to get devoted to the light right away. Still, people in this constellation are sincere, hard-working, and will do anything to achieve their goals but often have hidden sexual behavior that may be viewed by society as abnormal or out of the box.

On the bright side, if Jupiter is unafflicted as it will be in  Aquarius until September and again after late November, the dark side of this constellation will be handled. They can lead us to penance, detachment and generosity, and purification. It is the most Jekyll and Hyde constellation in the zodiac. People born under this constellation may look well-mannered and acceptable on the outside but are they using their wealth and resources to benefit society? Or do we surrender our ego and find our highest calling for more service and philanthropic action.


The trillions of dollars in world debt cannot continue and the Covid crisis has brought the energies up to the surface. Finally, with Jupiter conjunct Neptune into April 2022, the powers that be will not be able to combat inflation and we may see hyperinflation. The grand plan is to bankrupt the world and provide helicopter money for everyone but hoops do you have to go through to get paid if this happens? I am fond of Black Mirror on Netflix, the Sci-Fi story based on things that are happening, and episode 1 of Season 3, Nosedive, is a grim reminder of what totalitarian China is already doing with their social ranking system that awards people who comply with good behavior and enslaves those who do not. The vaccine passports turning up are another ugly version of this.

The problem of being irresponsible by world Federal Reserve Bankers has to unwind. They managed to get through 2008-2010 but they have not learned their lessons and world leaders are not wanting to bail trillions of dollars in world debt out and at the same time take more control of your money. The Covid Crisis has conveniently put many small businesses on the streets and movement in Europe toward the third wave of lock-downs this fall and winter could easily seal their fate..

The answer to world debt is a movement towards a world monetary system and a single currency and moving the world into one cashless society so that all the debt can be magically handled and universal helicopter money can be distributed.  This is also Neptune/Utopian thinking.  We sense that this will inevitably happen over the next 2-3 years and that the 248-year cycle of the Pluto return for the US that peaks into 2022-24 will lead to the biggest changes in the US that we have ever witnessed. The April 2024 Solar Eclipse again cuts through the United States like 2017 and we have to sense with the Pluto return this is a completion of the US transformation–but what will it look like?

While helicopter money sounds appealing, who knows what hoops you will have to jump through to get your checks? Very few world leaders have bucked the lock-down trend. The Davos crowd and Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, are pushing for the Great Reset and their friend Bill Gates is pouring millions into making sure you get vaccinated. What is wrong with this scheme?

We have talked for years that the Saturn/Uranus cycle that created the Breton Woods agreement in 1947 which pushed the dollar to the head of the world and the same cycle that took the US off of the gold standard in 1971 is happening now. Our monetary system as we know it is not likely to continue. The Biblical debt Jubilee cycle is likely given the mess that world governments have created but the solution of universal income in a cashless society is a bit troubling in terms of their ability to have absolute control and power over our money.

You will have to get very creative with your money if this movement succeeds. Bitcoin was one of the original answers but we always worry that the legislators could wipe it out or regulate it out of existence as they have done with the manipulation of gold since 2011. We see more spikes on gold and silver continuing into the spring of 2022 but then will it also be regulated or confiscated out of existence?  The solution is moving to a gold-backed currency and the Russians and Chinese have been accumulating gold in preparation to be strong than a dollar that will be in deep trouble. There are no easy answers here.

Donate to your favorite charities to help addicts and say out of trouble. The energy of the Saturn retrogrades in the moon owned Nakshatra of Shravana (Capricorn 10-23.20) until Feb. 2022 will continue to keep our emotions caught up in fear and anxieties that may not manifest so solve the problem with regular meditation and yoga and trust in Jupiter and the Divine to pull us out of a very anxious and changing world.

If you need help understanding your own personal life and chart and transits at this difficult juncture, sign up for a reading by hitting the request button at 

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