• MERCURY IN ARIES  until June 7th
  • RAHU IN ARIES UNTIL Nov. 29th (True Node)
  • MARS IN (Gemini) ARIES via the Paravartana Yoga with Mercury til May 10th.
  • Jupiter in Aries- April 21 2023-May 2, 2024.

It’s spring and major planets are transiting through Aries with the Sun there until May 14th in the sidereal zodiac and Mercury is in Aries until June 7th . Mars is in Gemini but because of the Exchange of Signs with Mercury it gets a secret door and is able to get back into Aries.  Jupiter goes into Aries on April 21st and we will write a special article about it later.   Saturn aspecting Aries and Rahu in Aries now with its 60 degree sextile is stirring the anxiety pot and causing hasty and reckless action without thinking.   Jupiter going into Aries will help calm things down a bit and ground the wild energy and activity of Mars and Aries and Rahu but will get spoiled by Rahu in the process.

The essential energy of Aries revolves around fighting, acting, defeating, competing and hence it is connected to ego and the famous Aries ram. The energy can be angry, wicked, obstinate, and cruel at times if Mars is afflicted in the chart but at its best, it can bring out Mars’s tenacious, sacrificing, passionate and self-sacrificing energy of the warrior/soldier wanting to be of service.  Given the current war energy in our world now, more Aries energy this spring is not promising. Mars ends up in Aries with the trap door exchange of signs and joins Rahu and that has been creating intense waves of anger and rage.  With all the Aries energy and the confusion generated by Rahu in Aries, the encrusted ego and wanting to be right at all costs takes over the ability to compromise and see the other points of view.

As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries has a great deal of creative energy and this is particularly clear in the constellation of Ashwini (Aries 0-13.20) where the horse bolted out of the gate with great power and force and energy. Aries embodies the Nike buzz phrase, “Just do it.” In many ways, it embodies the primal energy of creation. The constellation of Bharani (Aries 13.20-26.40) represents the creative power of the womb and also embodies great creativity for artists and great sexual energy.

There is a great deal of self-identification with action in Aries which means doing things for praise, acknowledgment, and ego-gratification but this is a lower form of the energy and if Mars is well-placed in Capricorn, the highest ideal of the warrior comes out with self-sacrifice and service.

Aries is more of an emotional sign of the zodiac than one might imagine as it is placed 12 houses from Taurus. It has problems with the water element and hence food, love, emotion, and connection with the public become challenging. Venus and the Moon become the most difficult planets for Mars and Aries as Mars is debilitated in the sign of Cancer and Venus owns the 2nd and 7th maraka or death-inflicting signs for Aries. Hence relationships can literally kill Aries. Aries has to get into relationship counseling and master Moon and Venus energies and the water element and learn to nurture, cook, and Moon activities

The antidote for Aries/ Mars is connecting more to Mother Divine energy through mantras or worship. If Mars is afflicted in the chart by other malefics like Rahu and Ketu or Saturn or if placed or aspecting Aries, there has to be attention to impatience, selfishness, arrogance, recklessness, and wanting it now and not being able to wait.

Saturn, Mercury, and Venus are negative planets for Aries Ascendants. Saturn rules the 10th and 11th houses. Mercury rules the 3rd and 6th house and is the most difficult planet for Aries Lagna. Venus rules the 2nd and 7th houses, therefore it is the market planet. If Aries gets too analytical rather than just doing it, it becomes a problem for the adventurous Aries. Mars does not like Saturn’s slow energy and needs to act and not analyze hence Mercury slows it down. Mars is by nature a celibate and soldier and hence Venus drains its energy.

The Sun and Jupiter are very positive planets. Mars and the Sun share leadership, power, and creativity. Jupiter can sometimes cause problems regarding expenses as it rules the 12th house as well as the auspicious 9th house for Aries Ascendants.

The 11th sign Aquarius is badhaka for Aries and can cause hidden problems as Aries is too much of a lone ranger and individualistic and self-centered for Mars to work with groups and enact societal changes.

Sun is exalted in Aries and when unafflicted as it will be in early Aries from April 13-26th  it brings out great leadership, courage ambition, sharp and creative thinking, joy in action and competition, innovation, and strong health.

Mercury in Aries is more afflicted than strong and this may lead to the mind racing ahead and wanting to accomplish too much and too quickly, talking too fast, getting stuck in one’s way of doing things, deceit, over-speculation, abuse of drugs or alcohol or food and nervous energy, and getting into argumentative fights.

Venus in Aries is usually not happy here but will do better in the constellation of Bharani (Aries 13.20-26.40). There can be a tendency to be hasty in getting into relationships and intimacy, fear of commitment, broken relationships and more fighting, and strong sexual energy. At best, artistic creativity can unfold, generosity and fun and play and adventure can happen when Mars is stronger until it gets into the constellation of Ardra, (Gemini 6.40-20.00) May 17-June 7th.

So with the focus on Aries again this spring, watch your ego and learn to bend and say yes in relationships, learn how to do things together and not be a lone-ranger, watch your sexual passion and channel it into artistic creativity and you will thrive.

Special thanks to my Jyotish teachers and colleagues, Sanjay Rath, Komilla Sutton, and Sam Geppi for any of their insights and to Bill Levacy my mentor.


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