There is so much to do with the Navamsha chart. Here is a summary of some of things we can use it for: It is often represent our chart after we are married or after around the age of 36 when our soul had matured. Later in life this chart may be more revealing than what we were born with.

The 1st, , 5th and 9th houses in the Navamsha chart  represent the talents of our soul:

  1. Planets in the 1st house tell us what talents we are born with. For example, Jupiter in the 1st house in the D-9 will make us a natural teacher or counselor or priest or coach.
  2. Planets in the 5th house are talents we grow into later in life perhaps in our college years.
  3. Planets in the 9th house represent talents for which we need a teacher, or Guru or guide to bring out.
  4. The rising sign of the D-9 will reveal our hidden personality. . If you are Scorpio rising in your rising sign but Virgo rising in your navamsha chart then your personality may be more perfectionist, strategic, business-like and analytical than you might ascribe to a Scorpio. The place of the ruler of the rising Navamsha, its sign and house, will reveal more information about the soul’s destiny.
  5. If the rising sign of the rising sign is in a 6, 8, or 12 relationship to the rising sign of the natal chart, then you personality, then your soul may be out of synch with your body. For example if you are Pisces rising and Aquarius rising in navamsha, there is a 12 relationship and you may be more reclusive and withdrawn and meditative in your life and drawn to service and humanitarian work.
  6. The 7th house in the Navamsha chart and planets in it will reveal qualities of your spouse.  Venus in the 7th with some dignity in Libra or Pisces or Taurus may attract you exceptional beautiful women who have a strong sexual energy that matches yours while Venus in Virgo may leave you with a hen-pecking and critical spouse.
  7. The 10th house in the Navamsha chart, planets in it and its sign will often reveal what we love to do most with our free time and may incline us toward a specific career. Put Pisces as owner of the 10th house or Jupiter in the 10th house in the D-9 and we may be drawn to teaching counseling, spiritual teaching of meditation and wisdom or priestly duties.
  8. The rising sign of the D-9 may help in rectification and reveal the quality of you skin tone. For example, put Libra rising in the D-9 and you are more inclined to have very fair or whitish skin for your ethnic type.
  9. The trinal houses of the D-9 will give a strong dominant quality to your purpose. Fire signs like Aries, Leo or Sagittarius owning the 1st, 5th and 9th will incline you toward warrior activities and supporting right action such as military, fire-fighting, legal defense or politics, or law enforcement. Earth signs in the trinal houses in D-9, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn will incline you toward business and merchant activity.
  10. The planet governing your soul’s growth and creating the most karmic challenges for you, the Atmakara is very key in the D-9 and its sign, house placement and rotated charts around it will reveal how your soul’s destiny integrates into the material world. This requires a whole two hour lesson and creates Jaimini charts called the Karakamsha Navamsha and Karakamsha Rashi charts.

These are just a few ways we can use the D-9 or Navamsha chart to microscopically fine tune and analyze the chart in much more detail. There are many more!


Our new class on Divisional  Charts Class , start on Sunday, Oct 7th will have 6 hours devoted to the Navamsha char as the ocean of Jyotish is endless.   Sign up for the first free class on Saturday, Sept 29  on Go to Webinar  from 12-2 pm on Secrets of the Division Charts to get a preview.  Video replays will be sent if you miss the class.

Sign up for free  at Go to Webinar:

Full description at:


Take our newest live webinar starting Sunday, Oct. 7th:


SUNDAYS, OCT 7- DEC. 29TH  2:30-4:30 PM central time.

12 classes over 15 weeks (Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks in there)



The essential divisional charts are a deeper look into the Varga charts – the natal chart house values operating and how they manifest in someone’s life.

People born on the same day with the same rising sign are very different and even twins born minutes apart are very different.  Vedic astrology is like reading strands of DNA.  You can go very deep in understanding Karma when you look at the divisional charts and see how they interact with the main chart.

This course seeks to offer deeper depth into seeing the deeper values operating and when they manifest in someone’s life.  We will focus on the most used and needed Varga charts starting with Navamsha and also looking the  D-10 for the career which comes up often.

The D-3 which divides the sign into 3 parts is a very key chart for revealing a lot of hidden information about courage, sexuality, siblings, and health and needs more focus when looking at your chart and others charts.  Of course, we have to cover children which are so often asked about as well as property.

We will also teach techniques for rectifying people’s charts using the subtle variations in the Varga charts and focus on D-60 which Parashara gives great value to but which often is ignored because it changes every 2 minutes and has to be rectified to be useful.

A basic knowledge of Vedic astrology is required. The class is being geared to benefit basic astrological students as well as those with a more advanced background. Please email questions directly to Barry Rosen at

(Missed Classes available on videotape in Dropbox with accompanying Powerpoint presentations)

Lesson 1: Introduction to  the Principles of Using Varga Charts for Refining Analysis 

(Free introductory class)

Free CLASS 1   Saturday, SEPT. 29TH  12:00-2:00 pm Central Time

Sign up for free  at Go to Webinar:

Full description at:




Based on the clarity of my teaching, if you have basic knowledge of Jyotish, you will be qualified enough to participate.



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