While Uranus is not considered much in traditional Vedic astrology, I find it important. It is a bit like Rahu and very connected to Aquarius and has a very inventive and eccentric nature.  Dennis Harness, discussing it says:

Prajapati is the lord of progeny and creativity. He “exerts his heat and duplicates himself” and his “divine voice sounds like thunder”.  One of the translations of Prajapati is Indra, the lord of thunder and lightening. A similarity to the planet Uranus can easily be seen. Uranus represents the Prometheus myth of bringing fire to earth, the bringer of change and innovation. Uranus is often associated with heat, lightening and thunder. He was also the father of Venus, the goddess of creativity. Narendra Desai felt that Uranus was a higher octave of Mercury, the god of creative intellect. He said that a prominent Uranus was often seen in the chart of a good astrologer.

Uranus is currently in Aries  and Mars in Capricorn and 7.49 degree aspect is usually considered powerful so the impact will be in effect for a few days within a few degrees of Mars. .  Mars is very strong in its exalted state can cause explosive energy.  Often earthquake and volcanic activity will be a signature and unexpected explosions can happen.

If you have natal planets in the 4-10  degree range of Capricorn, Aries, Cancer or Libra and you are running a Mars period you might be most impacted by this aspect but you would also need a Mars/Uranus signature in your natal chart.

In terms of psychology, Aries an Scorpio rising and Capricorn  rising will be most impacted by unexpected encounters that generate excitement for personal growth and a need to break away from normal routines.  You may find the courage to breakout and do something new and exciting. This may lead to a feeling of being more alive and courageous.  So a time to breakout out and do something new . Drive carefully and watch out for the other guy.

Mars/Uranus aspects still always concern me around unexpected accidents or fires.   So be careful out there. I have seen too may reckless drivers out there this past week so be alert and stay safe.

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The deepest purpose of Vedic Astrology should allow us to see the Maya or illusion that runs through our mind and blocks us from seeing our own Divinity. Astrology should reveal our hidden patterns and not just affirm what we know about our self already. It is our hidden patterns and blind spots which get us into the most trouble and cause us the most suffering. It takes courage to look at them, bring them into the light and transforms them but that is why we are on the planet. It is much like Bill Murray in Ground Hog Day (1993). How many times do we have to repeat our lives and relive our pain or do we realize our flaws and actively work on them and transform ourselves into a more conscious and active and loving and compassionate person. In this brilliant collection of essays divided into 4 sections, Psychological and Emotional and Spiritual Dimensions of Vedic Astrology, Secrets of the Houses, Spiritual Astrology and Advanced Techniques in Vedic Astrology, Barry reveals material beyond the ordinary in unveiling our True Self beyond the illusion.  Pre-order special is 15.95.  Book is available by Sept. 22nd  at the latest. E-book version.  After Sept. 22nd it will be 19.95.

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